
***We made these adorable hand print calendars for Christmas gifts but I wasn't able to get a picture of them before they took them home.  They were so proud of them when we finished and they certainly liked having their hands painted 13 times!!!

The girls helped me make this fall/winter wreath for the window.  We had planned to make more for everyone to have one but with the craziness of the holidays we never quite got around to it.  Maybe next year.... they did have fun helping cut out the burlap and string it on the wire!

This is my example that I made of the Tree of Thanks we made for Thanksgiving time.  I didn't get a picture of the ones the girls made before they took them home.  When discussing things they were thankful for I got quite a list.  (trees, flowers, sun, sky, grass, toys, stores)  We made a large list and talked about a bunch of different things before they made their final versions.  And yes... Those are hand prints!

This is a Hanging Ghost we did together in October.

This is a spooky Halloween Pumpkin project the kids and I did together.  Each child picked their own color to paint their pumpkin.  They had a lot of fun doing it but didn't want to wait for the paint to dry.  :)